We make a village.
1,000 years of history.
The Walthamstow Village Residents’ Association is a local community group, drawn mostly, but not exclusively, from residents of the two Conservation Areas making up Walthamstow Village.
Our mission:
To help make the village a great place to live, work and visit.
Who can join?
Anyone who visits, lives or works in the area.
Walthamstow Village
Community Calendar of Events
See what’s happening in and around the Village this month.
Shop local & save!
Bringing your custom to nearby businesses supports our local economy and makes Walthamstow Village lively and vibrant.
V17’s shop local scheme builds a community network for locals and visitors with the shops, bars, and restaurants we love: Members get a discount (look for the V17 sticker in the window) and businesses get to see more footfall - win, win!

Yes, I’d like to become a member!
Village in Bloom
See how you can contribute to the ongoing greening of the Village.
We’ve got merch!
Our V17 enamel mugs are a great way to show your support while enjoying your favourite tea or coffee in the morning. Proceeds are poured back into the community, giving everyone warm feels.
These are sure to become a classic as we’ve no plans to reprint this design.
Mugs are £10 each and available at Eat17 Spar now.